
2024-01-23 09:31:21 59 0

NanChang OFIL optics general workers are quite tired, especially when working in the workshop wearing clean clothes. Although the labor intensity is not high, the working hours are long. The company provides meals and accommodations, and the work mainly involves repetitive actions. However, after working for a long time, one may still feel a little tired.

1. Working Environment and Tasks

The work at NanChang OFIL optics mainly involves the production of display screens and touch screens. The work is simple and easy, and employees can sit while working. The company provides meals and accommodations, and the tasks mainly involve repeating the same action. However, due to the long working hours, fatigue may set in over time.

2. Adaptation Challenges

Many people may find it challenging to adapt to the living arrangements and the tight production schedule at NanChang OFIL optics. The rules in large companies can be overwhelming, and the workload may seem chaotic. As a general worker, there may be limited freedom. However, the company offers competitive remuneration.

3. Working Hours and Benefits

The working hours at NanChang OFIL optics are from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch. There is no transportation provided to and from work. The salary and benefits offered by NanChang OFIL optics are the highest among all factories in NanChang, Jiangxi Province. The company has a well-structured management system, and the workload is relatively stable. The average salary for in-service employees is around 5500 RMB per month. The company also provides meals and accommodations, reducing the expenses for employees.

4. Recruitment Information

NanChang OFIL optics is currently hiring general workers, operators, and part-time workers. The company directly recruits employees and provides good benefits, including sitting positions, year-end bonuses, and excellent welfare. The comprehensive salary ranges from 5500 to 8000 RMB per month. The company welcomes individuals between the ages of 18 and 45 and has no specific educational requirements.

5. Company Overview

OFIL optics has been deeply involved in the field of optical electronics for nearly 20 years. With extensive technical expertise and continuous innovation in product development, the company has rapidly expanded in the field of optical imaging. It has established itself in mainland China, Taiwan, the United States, Japan, and other regions.

6. High Demand for Technical Personnel

NanChang OFIL optics is the company's production base in mainland China, aimed at reducing labor costs. The company offers high remuneration for technical personnel. However, due to the pursuit of maximum profits by the capital, there is intense competition for positions, and the work can be physically demanding.

In summary, working as a general worker at NanChang OFIL optics can be tiring due to the long working hours and repetitive tasks. However, the company offers competitive salaries and benefits, including meals and accommodations. Adaptation to the living arrangements and the fast-paced production schedule can be challenging for some individuals. Despite the challenges, NanChang OFIL optics is a reputable company with extensive experience in the field of optical electronics.

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